England Hockey “Club MARK” is designed to be a minimum operating standard for clubs to achieve to ensure they are functioning properly.
K Sports Hockey Club is an England Hockey Club Mark Accredited Club, which covers the following areas;
Section | Statement |
Leadership 1 | Plan for the future of the club (for example development plan, needs analysis, SWOT analysis, action plan, etc) |
Leadership 2 | The club has a transparent constitution with a dissolution clause and clear purpose in line with England Hockey recommendations (for example constitution document, website link to constitution etc) |
Leadership 3 | The club has adopted England Hockey Safeguarding Young People Policy and Procedures, Equality Policy and Code of Ethics and Behaviour (Respect). (for example website link, club notice board picture, sign agreement, minutes of adoption etc) |
Leadership 4 | The club is governed by a committee who face regular election, following which they meet regularly, with decision making recorded and communicated to members. (For example committee meetings, minutes of meetings, AGMs, etc) |
Leadership 5 | The club has an inclusive, accessible, clear and varied membership proposition and evidence of who the clubs members and volunteers are. (for example membership form, website link) |
Leadership 6 | The club delivers sessions in a safe environment that complies with legal requirements. (for example completed paperwork – site and session assessments, etc) |
Leadership 7 | The club has an appropriate level of insurance (for example insurance document, certificate, letter, etc) |
Leadership 8 | The club is affiliated to England Hockey. |
Leadership 9 | The club committee is structured based on the requirements, skills and diversity of the club. At least 3 members are unrelated or non-cohabiting and conflicts of interests are recognised and managed by the chair and recorded. (For example open election at AGMs, website links, meeting minutes, Chairperson agreement, etc) |
Leadership 10 | The club has a specific bank account with two independent signatories or suitable online banking requirements. Accounts are independently reviewed annually and made available to members. (For example online banking, treasurer reports, website links, etc) |
People 11 | Coaching provision reviewed against EH guidance on appropriate coaching workforce. (for example coaching needs analysis, coaching provision etc) |
People 12 | The club are following EH safe recruitment guidance, is registered and using England Hockey’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) (for example website link, club notice board picture, sign agreement, minutes of adoption etc) |
People 13 | All people that work regularly with young people have completed appropriate safeguarding training and update this training at recommended intervals (for example completed needs analysis, delivery plan, actions etc) |
People 14 | Induction for new workforce (coaches/volunteers) around policies and procedures. Key roles are communicated and understood. (for example e-newsletters, communications, minutes, signed agreements, etc) |
Ways to play 15 | The club provides a variety of playing opportunities (for example website links, adverts, communications, etc) |
Social 16 | The club has an appropriate form of communication to its members – this should include evidence of communication of policy. (for example news boards, e-newsletters, email communications etc) |
Local 17 | Actively encourages new members (for example news boards, e-newsletters, promotions, activities, etc) |
Stretching and developing 18 | Committed to develop all people within the club that wish to advance; including players, coaches, umpires, leaders, etc (for example communication of development opportunities, sharing of performance and development pathways etc) |