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Membership Information

Membership Package Type (Includes Player Insurance)CostMatch FeeSeason Ttl. CostMonthly Plan - 10 Months (Aug to Apr)
Adult £149£14£485£49
Full Time Student£109£9£325£33
Junior U18£109£9£325£33
Junior U13£89£-£89£9
Flexi Play (up to 14 Games & 16 Training Sessions)£129£17£367£37
Non Playing / Supporter / UmpireFOC---

Membership Application

Online payment is the preferred payment method for K Sports Hockey Club (KSHC) through our online shop. The payments must commence before the end of August, but no later than the end of September. There are several options to chose from, offering different payment plans.

Please refer to the Membership Application link, for full details of what is required by K Sports Hockey Club and the contacts to speak to for advice or information.

Dispensation for other exception options will be considered. If this applies to you, please speak to the Chairman, Membership Coordinator and Treasurer before making payment. Each case will be reviewed by the Chairperson, Membership Coordinator and Treasurer on a case by case basis.

All memberships will be subject to the documented Membership Terms and Conditions.