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Membership Terms & Conditions

K Sports Hockey Club – Membership Terms and Conditions


K Sports Hockey Club (KSHC) will offer five (5) core membership packages;

  • Adult
  • Full Time Student
  • Under 18
  • Under 13
  • Flexi Play

  • Membership of KSHC shall be open to anyone interested in hockey on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.

  • Limitation on membership may be made according to available facilities on a non-discriminatory basis.

  • KSHC may have different classes of membership and/or subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis.

  • KSHC will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating. If a potential obstacle is identified, this can be raised to the Membership Coordinator and the Treasurer for consideration.

  • Membership Packages and their associated costs will be presented annually at the Club AGM. These will be for the upcoming season.

  • Your membership fees cover all hockey matches (Interclub, Friendlies, League and Cup Competitions), training (All sessions for Adults and/or Juniors) & match fees, all associated with the hiring of the hockey pitch

  • Your membership fees also cover South East Hockey Affiliation, England Hockey Affiliation, Club Insurance, Player Insurance, Any Umpire costs, Season Expenses relating to providing hockey, Club Management Tools and Website.

  • All summer friendlies/ leagues/tournaments/training are not included in any membership package and will be self-financing.

  • No refunds will be given for members not playing Fixtures provided and arranged by K Sports Hockey Club (Interclub, Friendlies, League and Cup Competitions ), except in exceptional circumstances (contact Chair, Membership Co-ordinator or Treasurer)

  • ‘Special’ membership packages may be arranged for new members joining later in the season.

  • New members are entitled to 2 free training sessions before committing to a membership package.

  • KSHC General Management Committee shall have the right to refuse or remove membership on grounds of conduct or character likely to bring the club or the sport of hockey into disrepute, only after it has been assessed via the Selection Committee.

  • Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the President, who shall appoint a panel of three current Vice Presidents to assess the appeal on an unbiased basis.

  • KSHC General Management Committee will manage and maintain a list of any person(s) who have either been refused membership or have been expelled from the Club. This will list their name, reason for refusal/expulsion and the date this was added to the list. This list shall be referred to when any membership applications/requests are made to join KSHC.
  • Purchasing/Renewing & Payments

    • Online payment is the preferred method of membership payment (either by GoCardless (Direct Debit) or Stripe (Recurring Card Transaction). If you need to pay by an alternative method, please contact the treasurer.
    • Membership packages can be found in the club online shop, where you can select the appropriate package for the season.
    • Memberships are available to purchase from the 1st August each season.
    • You will be given the option of making a one-off annual payment, in 2 parts (start and mid-season) or over 10 months.
    • Renewing members must sign up to a membership package before 1st October as per the Club constitution, or you will be deemed ineligible for selection.
    • If you cannot find a package to suit your needs, and believe you have special circumstances, please contact Chair, Membership Co-ordinator or Treasurer who will discuss your needs with you. Exceptions and dispensations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
    • Once having selected a membership package and completed the checkout online, you are deemed to have entered into a payment agreement with K Sports Hockey Club.
    • If your circumstances change, please speak to Treasurer before making changes to, or cancelling any bank mandates or recurring card transactions.
    • Membership Commitment & Expectations
    • Once you have committed to a Membership Package;
    • You are expected to set your availablity for Training Sessions and Fixtures, at least one month in advance of the session/fixture, via Pitchero.
    • Failure to set your availablity may result in you not being selected.
    • By signing up to a Membership Package with K Sports Hockey Club, you agree to abide by the policies and procedures, issued by the Club.
    • You are expected to have read and understood these policies and procedures and it is recommended these are reviewed annually by yourself. These can be found on the Club Website in the Information Section.
    • Any change to policy or procedure will be issued in communications from the Club Management Committee, via Pitchero Messaging, Email and Articles, where appropriate.
    • All members are expected to abide by the England Hockey Code of Ethics and Behaviour (Respect). Members are responsible for any spectators or guest they bring to the Club, who are expected to abide by the England Hockey Code of Ethics and Behaviour (Respect).
    • Any member committing a misdemeanour on or off the hockey field or infringing KSHC rules, or those of K Sports Cobdown, shall be dealt with in accordance with the rules of both clubs, or those of the relevant Hockey Associations.
    • All Yellow and Red Card will be reported to the KSHC General Management Committee. These will also be recorded on GMS.
    • Four (4) yellow cards in a season, will result in a temporary ban, the length of which will be dictated by the Adult League Management Committee and the Discipline Committee of South East Hockey
    • Red cards will result in an immediate ban being imposed by K Sports Hockey Club for all hockey activity connected with the Club. The matter will then be referred to the South East Discipline Committee for review and their outcome.